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Update: Filecoin Discover

Filecoin Discover has received an overwhelming amount of community interest. Since May 7th, Filecoin miners have signed up to store dozens of petabytes worth of important data.

We’ve been listening to questions and feedback from the Filecoin mining community. This post addresses the most common questions and concerns.

Filecoin Discover is an early pilot program for sponsoring the storage of valuable datasets on the Filecoin network. While Discover will be an early verified client, it will not in any way be the only source, nor should it be the primary source of verified data or hard drives for miners. We also want to ensure that no miner feels disadvantaged if they choose to not participate in Discover.

In response to this feedback, we’re making a few small changes to the Filecoin Discover program.

In this first wave of Filecoin Discover, we will cap the number of drives per miner at 20. After mainnet launch, we will evaluate expanding the program. Please note that Filecoin Discover drives will need to be registered with an onboarding application, so drives sold or transferred to a third party will not be eligible for a verified client deal.

For teams that made larger orders, we still have your order on file and will be in touch to update your order as needed. You can reach out to our team (through or on Slack) if you have questions.

Lastly, we wanted to give a small update on a few other facets of this program:

  • We expect to begin shipping hard drives in mid-June. Before we begin shipping, we will:
    • Wait for final crypto-economic parameters to be released so that teams can make informed choices about storing Discover data.
    • Finish testing the offline deal flow to ensure smooth onboarding.
  • Before orders ship, purchasers will have a chance to reconfirm their order and resolve any open payment issues. All orders are cancelable/refundable until they are actually shipped.
  • Once drives ship, miners will receive instructions about how to onboard their drives and prepare for offline deals.
  • There have been many questions about verified clients and the process for becoming one – expect more detail on this soon!

The enthusiasm from the Filecoin mining community has made all of this possible. Thank you all for your support!

Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.