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Filecoin Dev Grants - Wave 1 recipients, Wave 2 now open

Updated December 18th, 2019

We are thrilled to have received many Dev Grant proposals from community members in Wave 1 reflecting a wide range of project ideas using Filecoin. We appreciate all proposals and hope to see more applications from enthusiastic developer teams in the future.

Wave 1: Community Projects

For our first round of Dev Grants, we asked for proposals in the following categories: open-source community Block Explorers, Reputation Systems, Storage Helper Libraries, Community Meetups, and an RSA Vector Commitments library, as well as a general Open Dev Grant submission category.

We received 22 outstanding proposals, from which we selected 5 teams to work on the following projects:

  • an open-source block explorer
  • a storage helper tool that splits and encrypts files and monitors deals
  • a miner analyzer & monitoring tool
  • a dynamically configurable storage backend tool
  • community meetups in Eastern Europe

These projects will eventually be open sourced and shared with the community in the filecoin-shipyard on GitHub.

Dev grant applicants included avid Filecoin community contributors, developers with experience in other blockchains or with IPFS, as well as those new to the community. We encourage teams not selected for a grant in Wave 1 to apply for future Dev Grants.

Proposals were chosen based on factors including their near-term value to the Filecoin network, ability to work independently of busy protocol implementation teams, commitment to the ecosystem, and desire to maintain projects longer-term.

Thank you to all the grant applicants who participated in Wave 1!

Wave 2: New RFPs

Wave 2 is open!. Two new RFPs have been posted to the Dev Grants GitHub repo. This includes requests for an Expected Consensus Visualization Tool as well as a broader Wallet RFP with 2 tracks for 1) a Self-hosted Wallet and 2) Wallet Tools & Integrations.

Wave 2 proposals are now due Jan. 15th. As Filecoin gears up for Testnet, be on the lookout for more RFPs for community tools.

Looking for more ways to get involved with the Filecoin project? Consider applying for an Open Dev Grant if you have an idea that isn’t covered by an RFP. Also welcome are proof of concept explorations, user research or developer research proposals or protocol-level topics (e.g. improving SNARKs, verifiable subsets of languages for VMs, recording VMs more efficiently than in state trees, etc.). Reach out to us if you’d like to discuss your idea by visiting the Dev Grants forum or ask in other Filecoin Community channels.

As the Filecoin protocol implementations advance toward Testnet and Mainnet, we hope community members suggest new proposals for projects to grow the ecosystem. These projects not only help test the utility and usability of node implementations, they also inspire thinking around important use cases for future Filecoin users.

We’ll be in touch in 2020 when we announce the winners of Wave 2!

Have other questions? Feel free to reach out to us on chat or file an issue in our Dev Grants repo.

Filecoin is an open-source cloud storage marketplace, protocol, and incentive layer.